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Former NH State Representative Deb Hobson was elected to the New Hampshire House of Representatives on November 6th, 2018 by the citizens of East Kingston, Newton, Kensington, and South Hampton. She was was sworn in on December 5th – and served until the end of her final term in 2024.
I am using this website to help you get to know me and to provide a method for getting in touch with me when you have ideas or concerns. I don’t believe in passing legislation just for the sake of passing legislation. I am a wife and mother of two college age kids. I grew up in Melrose, Massachusetts and moved to East Kingston, New Hampshire in 2009. My passions in state government on your behalf are:
Promoting Small Business
Academic Excellence
Supporting Veterans and our Military
Improving the Lives of our Seniors
Maintaining a Clean Environment
I was very fortunate to be able to stay home and put my education and psychology classes to use with my family for 20 years. I became active in my community, at church and with the town recycling commission. September 11, 2001 brought my interest in politics. I knew the world was going to be forever changed.
In 2014 I was elected to East Kingston Representative to the Exeter Region Cooperative School District as a write-in candidate. Time on the school board has been a great introduction to how state government works. State legislation greatly affects school districts. Committee work, budgets, and cooperation are integral parts of any well run organization. Respect for difference of opinion and the ability to see things from the viewpoint of someone else is crucial for compromise.
Now, my goals surround local government and the increasing need for political unity. I hope to be able to use my positive outlook to help bring sanity back to the state house and back to our community. My experience being a mom will certainly help the arguing factions of our government.
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